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YMCA Teen Task Force


11/21/09: Budget Blues

Just yesterday, we found out that the cost of constructing the Teen Center in its current design is much higher than we can afford. In other words, were simply over-budgeted. As a result, there are some adjustments Pankow has provided. They recommended we take out the permeable pavement and the sun shades in front of the south and west side windows. When Tracy told us the news, I was shocked. These are two defining features of the building which I refuse to just let go of. The permeable pavement is by far one of the coolest features of our building because it allows any water on top of it to seep into the ground and the sun shades help to block out some of the sun, while adding some bold lines to increase the aesthetics. On top of all this, we’ve always been clearly on target for LEED Gold with Platinum at our fingertips. But getting rid of these items might mean we probably won’t reach our dream of Platinum.

I don’t want to see these great things about our building lost. They’re some of the features we pushed for, because we wanted them, and I want them back. So once again, we’re attempting to bring in more donations through phone calls and grant writing. Wish us luck!

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