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YMCA Teen Task Force


05/21/09: Interviewing building contractors

Adults being surrounded by a bunch of teenagers, eager to ask them questions. What a concept. Adults being surrounded by a bunch of teenagers, eager to interview them for a job! Now that’s an idea no one could even fathom.

But that’s exactly what happened because the Task Force is in the process of identifying a general contractor to build the Teen Center.

The Task Force recently interviewed our first of three general contractor candidates and we are hoping to have made our recommendation to the YMCA Board by the end of the month.

All three firms we interviewed were very well prepared but only two were highly energetic and engaging. It also seemed like one candidate tried to avoid our questions by not answering them directly.

The experience of interviewing adults for a job was quite refreshing. I really got a different perspective on what its like on the other end, and how I can better prepare for an interview in the future. It was definitely a great learning experience, and I took a lot from it. I hope to improve myself as an interviewee for the future and learn something from all of this.

Be sure to check back for announcement on the selection of a contractor!

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